The German health system with its various areas, from outpatient and inpatient health care to the healthcare industry (medical technology, pharmaceutical industry as well as biotechnology and genetic engineering), is an essential economical and ecological force in Germany. In contrast to the German industrial economic and service sectors, there are no classic customer-supplier relationships in health services. The market structure of the German healthcare industry consists of a large number of actors and essentially consists of a triangular relationship between the customer (patient, insured person), the insurer (health insurance company) and the provider (service provider / company). How successful the healthcare market will be in the future depends not least on efficient communication of the areas shown and a very good IT and digitization strategy, such as a well-functioning telematics infrastructure.
Executives and experts who guarantee exactly this therefore often require a deep technical background and at the same time very good communication skills and are often difficult to find, especially in this combination. At Norecu, we provide our clients with significant support by bundling the special IT skills of all Norecu partners and consultants in order to develop their optimal effectiveness.
"The complexity of the requirements for a manager in the healthcare sector requires an overall view over the know-how and personality of the candidates. With my management experience on the customer side and analysis training, I deliver the best possible candidates for the positions sought."
Katharina Maeser Norecu Executive Search GmbH
ist bei der Norecu Executive Search GmbH als Beraterin für den Bereich Life Science tätig. Ihre beruflichen Wurzeln liegen im Luxuseinzelhandel und Vertrieb, wo sie verschiedene Managementfunktionen inne hatte. In den letzten Jahren war sie für die Beratung strategisch wichtiger Kunden bei einem Personaldienstleister mit Schwerpunkt auf Pharma- /Biotech verantwortlich. Heute ist sie auf die Besetzung von Führungspositionen der Ebenen 1 bis 3 im Bereich Pharma und Medizintechnik spezialisiert.